Anxiety therapy laguna hills

Heal With Harmony

Anxiety Therapy in Laguna, California

Anxiety is a normal response to stress, but sometimes it can become so severe that it inhibits the ability to live a regular life. When this happens, a person begins to change their behavior to accommodate their anxiety, hoping to avoid triggering an anxiety attack. An anxiety attack can feel different for every person. For some, it is accompanied by dizziness or lightheadedness, for others it feels like their heart is beating out of their chest, and for still others it as if they cannot breathe and they fear they are dying. The emotions and physical sensations are very real and cannot just be ignored. Often the thoughts of doom with even intensify the negative sensations.

The staff of Harmony Heals understand the importance of teaching you how to manage your anxiety and diminish any potential attacks. By understanding what triggers these attacks, you can gain the self-knowledge needed to reprogram your responses and lessen anxieties hold on your life.

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Typical Signs of Anxiety:
Shortness of Breath
Feelings of deep unease
Cyclic, repetitive thought patterns
Fears and worries that are increasingly severe
Avoidance of any situation that is uncomfortable
Ringing in the ears
feeling “shut down” or disassociated with a sense of self

At Harmony, we utilize different modalities to help treat your anxiety. We use modalities such as hypnotherapy, guided imagery, EMDR, meditation, awakening practice, and bio/neurofeedback to target the symptoms of anxiety and start to alleviate them. You can start today by coming in for a consultation.

What We Treat


Mental Health Treatment

Mental health includes our emotional, psychological, and social well-being. It affects how we think, feel, and act etc..

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Trauma Therapy

Trauma has become a word which is no longer reserved for rare or extreme cases, but is now a common experience for many of us.

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Addiction Therapy

Addiction is a when a person ingests a substance (alcohol, cocaine, nicotine, etc.) or engages in an activity (gambling, sex, shopping, etc.)

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Codependency Therapy

Codependency is a dysfunctional way of relating to ourselves and others. It is repeating the dysfunctional patterns of how we related

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Relationship and Family Therapy

Family therapy is a form of counseling which specializes in treating family relationships.

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Eating Disorder Therapy

At Harmony Heals, we treat clients with anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, binge eating disorder, and eating

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PTSD Therapy

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder is the brain’s naturally occurring response to a severely
traumatic event.

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Anxiety Therapy

Anxiety is a normal response to stress, but sometimes it can become so severe that it inhibits the ability to live a regular life.

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Depression Therapy

Clinical and/or major depression is often characterized by feelings of hopelessness, repeated and perpetual unhappiness

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Heal With Harmony

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